Qi Retreat

Qi Retreat

Qi Retreat will focus on letting energy flow in harmony with AmoHi (Awakening Holographic High Consciousness of Intelligence in motion of energy frequency) , while letting go of old emotions, thoughts, attachments, memories, and conditioning. Qi Retreat leaders will teach methods for emptying the mind with the Dao of perceiving and understanding. Attendees aspire to change the course of human consciousness and free it from suffering, sorrow, desperation and emotional pain.

Our Mission

The goal of the Qi retreat for each participating self is to empower oneself through highly coherent 999 Medibreath of Zen Tai Gong with Zen Tai Kong to detach oneself from the past conditioned mind, to let go of the centuries-old, fragmented view of the world and free oneself from all dogmas and conditioned thoughts in conflicts.

We may see and observe a total different world through deep meditation to resonate with other others and to have synchronicity with the cosmic consciousness energy field.

We may change the course of consciously self-inflicted human extinction and self-destruction, awakening the holographic life of innermost consciousness of intelligence (AmoHi) for all conscious beings. Inner peace will permeate and penetrate every spectrum of the lives of consciousness beings, and we will observe our innermost consciousness in resonance with the conscious matrix of cosmos where the observer is realized as the observed.

2025 Qi Retreat

Global Zen Consciousness Conference – Initial Consciousness Dialogue “Awakening of Inner Intelligence”

Zen Tai Gong – Awakening of inner holographic life wisdom
Zen Tai Gong – Resonate with Cosmic Consciousness 
Zen Tai Gong – Leap of Quantum Consciousness
Zen Tai Gong – 999 Medibreath Eco Breathing
Zen Tai Gong – Deep Meditation
Zen Tai Gong – Rewrite Diseased Expression of DNA Blueprints
Zen Tai Gong – Self Healing
Zen Tai Gong – Life Transformation
 in harmony with the Mind of the cosmos
Holographic Wholeness of Non-duality 
Zen Tai Gong FengShui
Building Character with Total Freedom

Event Date

Event Location

Pensecola, Florida GA

Speaker Bio

DeRu (Shawn X. Liu)

A Cosmic Consciousness Being & Life Student

DeRu, a world traveler and speaker, who was a student under Shaolin Temple GrandMaster SuXi. He was one of the first to transmit Zen consciousness in action to the U.S. and spoke on Zen Consciousness, natural healing and Gong Fu worldwide. He is the founder of DeRu Media with DeRu Academy, SCF Foundation, Global Zen Consciousness Alliance, Global Zen Consciousness Conference.

He is one of the earliest Chinese martial arts disciples entered the US, spreading the Chan and Kung Fu in the United States leading him to be called “American Godfather of Sanshou” around the world.

For more than 40 years, he has been advocating daily conscious meditative action to heighten and expand one’s consciousness. He has delivered thousands of speeches and presentations in the United States, China and around the globe to schools, police academies, Navy, Air Force Bases as well as presentations, lectures and speeches to medical and university groups such as Harvard University, Georgia Tech, Tulane University, University of California, Berkeley and GW. 

He has served thousands of patients with various diseases back to healthy living.

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